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Central Administration

Human Capital Section

At the Human Capital Section, we are dedicated to nurturing and empowering our organization’s most valuable asset: our people. As stewards of talent, we oversee critical functions that drive our collective success. Let me introduce you to the key areas we manage:

  1. Recruitment and Talent Acquisition:

    • We scout for exceptional individuals who align with our vision and values.
    • Our goal is to attract top-tier talent and create a diverse, dynamic workforce.
  2. Staff Welfare and Well-being:

    • We prioritize the physical, mental, and emotional health of our employees.
    • From wellness programs to flexible work arrangements, we ensure a supportive environment.
  3. Security & Traffic Enforcement:

    • Our team safeguards our premises, assets, and personnel.
    • We maintain order, enforce safety protocols, and manage access control.
  4. Fire & Rescue Services:

    • Preparedness is our watchword. We coordinate fire safety drills, emergency response, and evacuation procedures.
    • Our commitment is to protect lives and property.

Join us as we build a thriving, resilient workforce—one that thrives on collaboration, innovation, and shared purpose. Together, we’ll shape a brighter future.

Mr T Nerwande


Mr T Nerwande

ICT Section

Welcome to the ICT section of the Rusape Town Council. As part of our commitment to fostering a modern and efficient town, our ICT section is dedicated to:

Providing robust and reliable technological solutions to enhance the services offered by the council.
Ensuring the security and integrity of digital data pertaining to the town’s operations and its residents.
Facilitating seamless communication within the council departments and with the public.
Implementing and maintaining up-to-date IT infrastructure to support the town’s growth and development.
Offering technical support and training to council staff to improve productivity and service delivery.
We strive to be at the forefront of technological innovation to serve you better. 
Mrs N Matare


Mrs N Matare

Internal Audit Section

Welcome to the Audit Section of the Rusape Town Council. Our mission is to enhance and protect organizational value by providing risk-based and objective assurance, advice, and insight. We are committed to:

Ensuring compliance with laws, regulations, and council policies.
Evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.
Providing independent and objective audit and consulting services designed to add value to the council’s operations.
Assisting the council in accomplishing its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of governance, risk management, and control processes.
We uphold the highest standards of integrity, objectivity, and confidentiality in all our activities.
Mr G Nyamande

Internal Auditor

Mr G Nyamande

Procurement Section

Welcome to the Rusape Town Council’s procurement section. As we embark on our journey towards providing sustainable world-class services by 2030, the procurement section plays a pivotal role in ensuring that all acquisitions are conducted in a manner that is transparent, efficient, and in line with best practices. Our commitment is to the fair and equitable treatment of all potential suppliers, fostering a competitive and innovative environment that benefits not only the council but also the community we serve.

We are dedicated to the continuous improvement of our procurement processes and to the development of strong partnerships with our suppliers. We encourage all interested parties to engage with us, as we strive to contribute to the growth and development of Rusape Town. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to a fruitful collaboration.

Mr S Shiri

Procurement Manager

Mr S Shiri

 Spatial Planning & Land Management Section

Welcome to the Town Planning section of the Rusape Town Council. Here, we are dedicated to managing the physical environment of our town in accordance with the provisions of the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act (RTCP Act) and other supportive statutory enactments. Our responsibilities include:

Preparing statutory planning and development control documents.
Implementing these provisions by facilitating, guiding, controlling, monitoring, and enforcing developments and activities on land as envisioned in the operative Master Plan and policy prescriptions.
Crafting and formulating statutory and non-statutory policy proposals that guide and direct development on the land under Rusape Town’s jurisdiction.
Processing subdivision and consolidation applications in terms of Section 40 of the RTCP Act (Chap 29:12).
Processing change of use/special consent applications in terms of Section 26 of the RTCP Act (Chap 29:12).
Facilitating the processing of change of reservation applications and approval by the Minister in terms of Section 49 of the RTCP Act (Chap 29:12).
Advising the Council on spatial planning matters as they arise.
Spearheading development control on land under the jurisdiction of Rusape Town Council.
Layout Preparation in terms of Section 43 of the RTCP Act (Chap 29:12).
Monitoring the implementation of approved layout plans.
We are here to ensure that the development and growth of Rusape Town are carried out in a sustainable and orderly manner. For any inquiries, please feel free to reach out to the Town Secretary.

Thank you for your interest in the future of Rusape Town. Together, we can build a community that is well-planned, efficient, and harmonious.

Our Services:

  • Provision of Town Planning Services.
  • Provision of Development/Land Management Services
  • Provision of Building Inspectorate Services
  • Provision of Land Survey Services
  • Provision of GIS Services
  • Provision of Valuation Services
Mr B. Kwambana

Town Planner

Mr B. Kwambana

OUR ADDRESS For Enquiries: Write to:

The Town Secretary
Rusape Town Council
Number 398 Manda Avenue
P.O. Box 17


+263 (025) 2051952

+263 (025) 205 2033

+263 776 203 596


Monday to Friday

7:30 to 16:30


8.00 to 13:00

Closed on Sunday and Public Holidays


  • Main Office
  • Vengere Office
  • Tsanzaguru Office

